31 December 2011

New Year's Eve Run

Ran a 4.57 mile course in 35:33(7:48 pace), I feel my endurance isn't too bad but leg strength is far from where it needs to be. Hills hurt too much.

Compare to Sunday Run on 11/16/08 (33:28)

29 December 2011

Spin 111229


40 min
510 Cal
16.5 Miles

First 15 minutes steady state between 100-105 RPM at gear 12
Next 15 minutes alternating every 30 seconds standing and sitting and increasing gear by 1 every 2 min - started at 15
Last 10 minutes steady state 85-90 RPM at gear 12.

28 December 2011

Swim/Gym 111228



5x50 on the min.
5x100 4 min interval(1:29 avg.)

Cool down;

Transition Run - 1/4 mile@7:00 pace
Front squat 3x5(45/95/115)
Push Press 3x5(45/95/95)
Dead lift 3x5(45/135/185)

Swim was good practice for being out of breath in the water, something I still have to get comfortable with.  Weight work was just to start adding weight to the motions, probably one more workout like that before starting on a dedicated program of weights.

25 December 2011

Run 111224

Christmas Eve run with Carrie.  4.1 miles and a great running partner.  Finished with another .4 with Tupper - faster but conversation wasn't as good.

21 December 2011

Spin/Run 111221

32 Min
405 Cal
13.2 Miles

Run 1 mile 7:40

I felt like I really pushed it on the bike, which meant I relived lunch for the last ten minutes and through out the run.  Overall I felt ok but a long way to go by June.

18 December 2011

Swim 111218

I did the first 7 days of the 12 days of Christmas workout over at triathlon.competitor.com/

Sets of 75, and for the 7 days it should be 2100 yards(if my math is right)

1. Freestyle
2. Freestyle-drill-freestyle
3. Hypoxic, breathe every 3/5/3
4. Backstroke/freestyle/backstroke
5. Freestyle
6. Pull
7. Hypoxic, breathe every 5/7/5

The hypoxic breathing was tougher than expected.  Since I knew I wasn't doing the full workout I did pull for day 6.  It was a fun workout and I so want to try the full 12 days but I may not get it in until the new year.

Well I am definitely back into swimming but I need to get back to cycling and running quickly.

12 December 2011

Swim 111212

Warm up:

1x50 - all out

Swim felt good, wasn't planning on two sets as I had planned on one long one.  However, I was asked to move from one pool to another.  I need to get the gym earlier because the pool closing ended my workout about 300 yards short.

10 December 2011

Run 111210

Ran 5 miles in 36:46, a 7:35 pace.  Relatively flat course, my lungs felt like I was running a 6:30 pace and my legs thought I was going at 7:00 and my mind was hoping I was under 8:00. It was nice out, sunny and about 45


07 December 2011

Bike/Gym 111207

14 Miles
395 Cal

25 Back Ext
Followed by 5 reps each of:
Air Squat
Empty bar(EB) squat
EB Push Press
EB Clean

20 lb. Dumbell Clean and Jerk (5 each side)

Wow, what a reality check with how much fitness I have lost in the last 2 months.  The good news, is I think (fingers crossed) I mentally back on the horse and I know what I need to do to get ready for Ironman Syracuse.  Bad news is my rib is affecting my lifting - at least bench press and core work.  My other range of motion work was fine.

05 December 2011

Swim 111205

Dragged my butt to the pool again - two Mondays in a row, am I back?

Ladder of yards
 3x50 on the min.

1650 total

Rib is starting to feel better. While in the pool the motivation is there but it isn't there pre-dawn like it needs to be.