30 July 2010

Swim 100730

Swam 1800 yards
Warm-up 25 free, 25 breast
800 yards...rest for 10 breaths (11:55/4:02)
300 yards...rest for 8 breaths (5:54)
4 x 100 yards...rest for 6 breaths between 100s (~1:58)
4 x 50 yards...rest for 4 breaths between 50s (~0:57)
Cool down 25 free, 25 breast

I officially broke the mile marker in today's workout and extended my long set to 800 yards. Monday will be up to 1000 as I will be in week 5 of the 0 to 1650(or 1750 in my case)program. I was only supposed to do 600 but I felt good and didn't want to make the 400 yard jump in one shot. I was definitely slower today but I don't know if it was because I did the extra 200 or the more likely case of this being my 6th day of training in a row.

29 July 2010

Bike Run 100729

Biked 12.4 miles in 43:04 (17.3 mph), then immediately ran 2.07 miles in 15:36(7:35 pace). Both times were a lot slower than I would have liked. The distances are very similar to the ones at the Marshman and need to come down in the next 6 weeks. My one saving grace is that it was miserably humid out this morning and I don't do well in those conditions. On the bike I struggled for the first mile or so as my body woke up. As much as I hate to admit it, I need to start waking up earlier and warming up first. On the run, my legs felt like cinder blocks. Last year I did more transition practice and I need to start that back up, even if it is just a .25 mile run after each bike ride.

28 July 2010

Swim 100728

Swam 1650 yards
Warm-up 25 free, 25 breast
600 yards...rest for 10 breaths (11:51)
300 yards...rest for 8 breaths (5:45)
4 x 100 yards...rest for 6 breaths between 100s (~1:52)
4 x 50 yards...rest for 4 breaths between 50s (~0:53)
Cool down 2x(25 free, 25 breast)

The 600 was better, not much faster but I got into a rhythm quicker . I dropped 30 sec. off the 300, which I felt good about. The 100s and 50s felt normal.

27 July 2010

Bike 100727

Back on the bike for the first time in 2 weeks. I need to bike more. 16 miles in 56:00. It was basically the same course I did on 100630. I did an additional 1/4 mile versus last time.

26 July 2010

Swim 100726

Swam 1600 yards
Warm-up 25 free, 25 breast
600 yards...rest for 10 breaths (11:53)
300 yards...rest for 10 breaths (6:11)
4 x 100 yards...rest for 4 breaths between 100s (~1:52)
4 x 50 yards...rest for 2-3 breaths between 50s (~0:55)
Cool down 50 breast

The 600 was better than my last 400. It was tough for the first 150 and then I realized I was pushing it to hard. Once I adjusted it wasn't bad at all. The 300 was my slowest set. The 100s and 50s felt good though.

25 July 2010

Run 100725


Ran 3.23 miles in 27:50. Easy pace with a friend from my neighborhood. It was great to train with someone again.

19 July 2010

Ocean City Run 100719

Ran 24 minutes on the board walk - about 3.25 miles. It was hot and windy and it felt uncomfortable.

15 July 2010

Swim 100715

Swam 1300 yards
Warm-up 50 free, 50 breast
400 yards...rest for 12 breaths (8:11)
200 yards...rest for 10 breaths (4:11)
4 x 100 yards...rest for 4 breaths between 100s (~1:55)
4 x 50 yards...rest for 2-3 breaths between 50s (~0:55)

The 400 was rough this morning, didn't feel strong and couldn't find a rhythm. I am not sure if that was because I woke up 15 min before I did it or because I didn't warm up more. I need to figure it out because the swim portion of the triathlon is early in the morning. The 100s and 50s felt good though.

Biked about 5 miles last night, nothing crazy.

13 July 2010

Bike Swim Bike 100713

Biked to the gym, 6 miles in 21:20. 300 feet in climbing, +100 elevation.

Swam 1300 yards
Warm-up 50 free, 50 breast
400 yards...rest for 12 breaths (7:57)
200 yards...rest for 10 breaths (4:11
4 x 100 yards...rest for 4 breaths between 100s
4 x 50 yards...rest for 2-3 breaths between 50s

Biked home from the gym 5.4 miles home in 17:55. 60 feet in climbing -100 feet in elevation.

I felt good on the bike, I kept all the climbs on the bike over 10 mph. I need to get the ride out down to 20 min. There are too many lights coming home so I feel that 18 min isn't bad but should get it down to 17 min or so.

12 July 2010

Run 100711

Ran ~3+ miles(24:10) on the beach in Ocean City. Ran barefoot again, I really have enjoyed running barefoot the last few times. Also swam in ocean ~250 meters.

07 July 2010

Swim 100707

Early morning swim 1200 yards

Warm up:


Felt good this morning, it was the first time I was able to comfortably get all the 200's under 4 min. My best was 3:40 and worst was 3:51. I am starting to think I might actually be able to get my 1/4 mile swim down to 8 min. by sept.

04 July 2010

Swim 100704

Swam 1200 yards today:


Sprint work:
8x50 with ~min rest between reps. Each rep was about 40-42 secs.

100 Breast

Still working on my rhythm. I need to get to where I can jump in and go and I am not there yet. I was please with the sprints.

01 July 2010

Bike 100701

I did 3 loops of a 4 mile hilly course in 45:30. I maintained a consistent time of 15:10 for each loop. The only frustrating part of the course was that I had to make left turns at the bottom of each hill so I had to stop for traffic and lost momentum
