10 May 2013

Run 130510

Ran 3.21 in 21:33 (6:43) pace.  First mile was slow but then was able to pick it up.  So far leg is holding up so maybe able to move up to 4 miles next week.  As far as chest goes it is still sore but I am able to do pull-ups again - stll no push-ups

06 May 2013

Run 130506

Longest run in months - 3.25 miles  in 22:30 (6:50) pace.  Felt tired for the first mile and then started to get into a groove.

01 May 2013

Run 130501

Ran 2 miles in 12:30 in 6:15.  Leg and chest are feeling better but still not up for pull-ups or push-ups.