30 April 2011

Out and Back Party Run

My wife and I headed into the city last night for the 'Out and Back Party Run'(course) with our friends Jim and Jess.  After I met the three of  them at the train in Elwyn we headed into the city for Carrie and Jess's first race.  The weather was perfect,minus the 5 min rain shower just after we picked up our packets. I had decided I was going to push it this race and see what happened.  When the cannon went off for the start it was a mad dash and I attempted to stay towards the front and did a pretty solid job staying with the pack for the first mile.  The first mile marker was a little early as I ran it in 5:45 which was much faster than the pace felt.  I hit the 2 mile turn around at 12:20 which felt right for 2 miles.  On the way back I say Jim first and then Carrie and Jess, that was the nice part about an out and back course.  As I approached mile 3 I could feel the fatigue setting in and hit the mile marker at ~19:40.  My goal of 26:00 seemed to be fading except I kept telling myself that mile marker was short to the finish.  I ended up finishing in 25:46 by my watch so that mile was definitely short and other than being passed by 4-5 runners in the last mile the run was great.

Splits: 5:45/6:35/7:20/6:06

After finishing, I walked back down the course to cheer Jim as he came up to the finish - also beating his goal time.  We then waited for our wives and cheered them on as they came through the last quarter mile.  The after party was nice and a fun way to end the day.

26 April 2011

Spin 110426

First spin class in 2 weeks this morning:

Time: 55:00 min
Distance: 21.50
Cals 675

23 April 2011

Rumpass Race Report

I have to start off by saying this was a great race.  I really enjoyed the course and the location. My results were:

Swim: 00:16:32
T1:   00:02:27
Bike: 00:39:56
T2:   00:00:59
Run:  00:22:20


Full Mens Results here.

We drove the course the day before and it is quite different then the area around home.  Hills were rolling without any real leg busters.  The run course does have a small trail section but looked good overall.  The biggest shock was that I had in my head that the race was on the warm side of the lake and I was wrong.  Thank good for the wet suit. The area was still very muddy from all of the rain the day/night before. The transition area was ok but the swim to transition area was a mess and so were portions of the run leading to the finish.  I somehow ended up with bib #2 so I had what I considered the best possible rack position in the transition area.  Turns out being a 'Z' pays off as they ordered the bibs in reverse alphabetical order.

Jim picked me up at 8:30 and we easily made it to the course by 9am.    Took my time in getting ready which almost led to two errors:
  1. Almost got in my wet suit before body marking - this was a minor one.  
  2. Waited to pick up my timing chip until the end.  I didn't head over to the tent until just before the transition area closed.  Turns out they needed my run bib to give me my chip, this led to a frantic sprint back to my stuff to grab my bib and get back before the transition area closed.
At this point we were only 15 min from race time and I had lost track of where Jim was - turns out he was warming up in the water.  By chance I saw my family who was there to cheer me on and gave them all a quick hug before darting off to the swim area to get ready with my wave.

Not having my dad there to pit crew was a big difference.  It is nice to have someone there to take care of the odds and ends while you focus on race prep.

Did I mention we were on the cold side?  Water was cold but the wet suit made up for it. This was my first time in the water with the wet suit and it made quiet a difference.  I don't remember ever feeling  the water above my knees or below my chest.  My wave was the second to go and I hung to back knowing I would be one of the slower ones.  When the wave started I felt great and other than the fact that I zig-zaged over the course the swim went well.  I swam freestyle for the majority of it which was good for me.  I even caught a few guys from the first wave.  Coming out of the water I heard Carrie yelling to me that Jim was 2 minutes up on me which was better than I thought.  I was worried I would be 4 minutes plus down after the swim.

First transition was ok, I needed to put more body glide around my calves as I struggled a little to get out of my wet suit.  Overall I was in and out I relatively quickly.  I had hoped to shoulder my bike over the mud but the race marshals were reminding everyone they had to run with the bike.

The bike course was good an I as thankful we had driven it the day before so I knew were the hills were and where I could push a little harder on the flats.  I tried something different for this race.  I kept in a slightly easier gear than normal but kept my RPMs high.  This seemed to really help the lactic acid from building in my legs.  I was also able to stay in the saddle for most of the ride.  In hind sight I wish I had pushed a little harder on some of the flats to squeeze a little more time out.

Second transition was great, less than a minute and 4th fastest for the day.  This is where it pays off to bike with toe cages and running shoes.  Can't complain about anything as I was in and out of the transition area so quick.

Run was ok.  We didn't scout the run course before had so I was fully expecting the hills.  I re-caught some of the guys who passed me on the bike.  Towards the end of the run the sun was out and it was definitely getting warm.  I saw Jim as I was running back and he looked strong as he was going by.  Just like in the bike I think I left some time on the course and good have pushed a little bit more.  I need to work in some brick workouts  in my training to be able to know my limits better.

It was great having my whole family there at the end cheering.   Add in the fact that I was able to do the race with a good friend was even better.   I would definitely recommend this race to other and hope to do it again in the future.

Run 110423

Ran with my wife for 5.08 miles in 53:57 - 10:37 pace.  Body is sore from the 6 last night and 5 this morning.  Ready for a rest.

Really enjoyed running out in Ohio, flat to rolling hills.  Nice rural scenery and very little traffic.  Add in the cool weather and overcast skies and a good running partner - you couldn't ask for better conditions.

22 April 2011

Run 110422

Ran 6 miles in 40:25 - 6:44 pace.  Rolling to flat course so my time was good.

17 April 2011

Race Day Post

Rumpass in Bumpass is done. Great race. Finished in 1:22:12 and in the early results 144 out about 700.  Definitely a good wake up call for the fall. Will do a full race report when i am home and the offical race results are posted.

16 April 2011

Pre-race ride

Took my dad's bike out for a quick ride to stretch my legs. Glad i did because the seat needed to be adjusted.  Also did a short run.

Rumpass Pre-Race Report

Day before and weather is rainy and freezing outside, so glad the spring race is tomorrow versus today.  I feel for everyone doing the international distance today.  Fortunately, tomorrow is still supposed to be sunny and 71 with water temp around 68.  Swam in the lake yesterday and water was great, can't wait to feel the difference with the wet suit.

Jim and I are heading out to drive the course and pick-up our packets later this afternoon. Anxious to see the bike course to get a feel for the elevation changes.

12 April 2011

Since NCAA Wrestling Just Ended

Spin 110412

Spin class this morning:

Time: 57:30 min
Distance: 23.50
Cals 775

Good workout, race is only 5 days away.

10 April 2011

Run 110410

Ran 4.07 miles in 28:18 - 6:57 pace. Pushed it hard and it felt great to stay under 7 min miles. My nagging injuries seem to be healed so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

07 April 2011

Spin 110407

Spin class this morning:

Time: 52:00 min
Distance: 20.00
Cals 625

Today's class kept the gearing low and the rpms high working on intervals. Can't believe I made it to two classes this week with the way things have been going.

05 April 2011

Spin 110405

Spin class this morning:

Time: 55:00 min
Distance: 22.00
Cals 780

This class is the only thing I am doing consistently lately. Between injuries and struggling with motivation This has been a bad few weeks for me. Its not helping that the Tri in Lake Anna is only two weeks away.

04 April 2011

Great Article on Wrestling.

As a former wrestler, the sport continues to be one of my favorites.

Wrestling, Sport for Our Times