25 September 2008

Crossfit 080914

"The Chief"

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.


Today was "Rest day" on the Crossfit site so I went back and did a WOD I missed. I was nervous about the power cleans but they turned out to be fine. I think I could get this up to straight 5's now that I have done it. Each round I had more time left after the 4th set until the last one where I just squeezed in #5. I attempted a max effort 500m row but after completing the WOD I didn't have the needed power to sustain good numbers.

Did a health screening today at work and was pleased that everything was normal(cholesterol, glucose, %BF, blood pressure, etc.)

24 September 2008

Crossfit 080924


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

9 rounds + 400 meters pull-up reps:

Followed by:

L-sit practice 3x5sec
Ab work
3x6 BW+25%(40lb) dips
5x1 45lb front squat
5x1 45lb OHS

Today's workout felt really good. I could definitely move to 10 full rounds, 11 might be really hard to reach.

23 September 2008

Crossfit 080919 & 080923

Crossfit 080923

For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:
virtual shoveling

"With an Olympic bar holding only one plate (men use 45 pound plate, women use 25 pound plate), touch the plate on one side of the barrier then the other for one "rep." Barrier is 24."

Updated: I have added the split times for the rounds.

3:14/3:06/3:02/2:15/1:48/0:54 Total: 14:19

Crossfit 080919

Run 5k incline @ .5% : 19:59

This was after doing another WOD but I still don't think I would have broken 19:00 today even if I was fresh. I do think I could have maintained this pace for a while longer. Two WOD in one day is always tough but I was glad to get in a good run.

Compare to 080810: 18:35

22 September 2008

Crossfit 080920

For time:

50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (subbed 35lb dumbbell swing)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball(subbed 40lb thrusters)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Time: 26:18

Compare to 080304: 31:43

Obviously I am please to have dropped 5 min off my previous time. The three exercises I need to work on the most are Burpees, Knees to Elbows, and Double Unders. Burpess alone took me 5 min to complete. I was trying to average 2 min per exercise and was only a min behind that pace until the thrusters then it all came crashing down. Very tired and really struggled through the Burpees. I guess on the bright side there is still room to bring my time down.

Body Weight Bench Mark:
159.5 lbs, 9.3% body fat.
Not sure what to make of the last benchmark on my weight, I think it was an anomaly since this week is more in line with my typical readings in the past. Still want to reach 165 and 7% body fat.

18 September 2008

Crossfit A

3 rounds for time of:

5 1/2BW Preacher curls(not a xfit exercise but one I enjoy)
10 55lb dumbbell swings
15 45lb Overhead Squats
20 GHD situps
25 Back Extensions

3:26/3:49/4:12 - 11:27

I made up a WOD today because my back is still tight from the FGB two days ago. The thought of doing 30 clean and jerks for time made it even tighter. This one is named for one of my kids since I already named one for my wife. Back was sore at the end, glad tomorrow is a rest day. I finished the workout with 10min of spinning on a bike.

17 September 2008

Crossfit 080910

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Body weight back squat

BP(160) 6/5/5/6/8 - 30
PU 10/10/10/9/11 - 50
Squat(165) 22/18/17/17/18 - 92

My body weight - 160.

After the last two days my body was worn down. I had to do the squats on a Smith machine as I don't have access to a squat rack. Not ideal but work with what you have. I did the pull-ups on three different bars which added to the variation in reps. Lastly I did the first three rounds of bench press without a spotter, after using a spotter the last two rounds I realized I could have done more.

16 September 2008

Crossfit 080907

Fight Gone Bad!:

Three rounds of:
  • Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps) - Subbed 4olb thrusters.
  • Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
  • Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
  • Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
  • Row (Calories)

Held even with my last attempt at this on 080625. Yesterday's Fran and 4 miles put a hurting on my legs.

35/30/35/21/21 = 142
30/24/30/17/17 = 118
24/21/30/18/17 = 110

Total: 370

15 September 2008

Crossfit 080915


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster


Compare to 080724 5:59

Finished with 4 mile run in 30:00.

The weight felt heavy so I was surprised I PR'ed. I am debating when do I move to a heavier weight: when I break 5 min or when I am doing straight sets. Right now I typically breaking the sets of thrusters in to with a 15-20 sec break between sets. May be a question for the Crossfit boards.

11 September 2008

Crossfit 080911

Choose a "Hero" WOD


Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

New PR: 15:50 (5:11/5:26/5:13)

Compare to 15:52 old PR on 080418

Inching closer to my goal of 15:00 on this WOD. I feel my biggest opportunity to improve my time is sit-ups. I am running under a 5:30/mile pace so I don't think that my run is going to go down much more. This was a frustrating day because I lost 16 sec. on the second round due to a problem on the treadmill. I guess that means the next time I do this WOD I should be under 5:40, no excuses!

A few links from this years race

Here are a some links from this year's race courtesy of Google Alerts I received over the last few days:

Catching Up…
By cashmerejm
Adirondack Canoe Classic!! Mike and I feel ready for the big race this weekend. It’s going to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Anticipating the torture. Found a nice map breakdown of our lakes and portages today. ...
the life and art of justin michau - http://cashmerejm.wordpress.com

Can You Say 3rd?
By cashmerejm
I’m back from what may have been the most amazing trip of my life. We had the best pit crew hands down. I’ll try to give a summary of each day without boring you. Day 0 - we ...
the life and art of justin michau - http://cashmerejm.wordpress.com

26th annual Adirondack Canoe Classic starts Friday - Adirondack ...
Sep 2, 2008 ... 5 for the 26th annual Adirondack Canoe Classic. The 90-Miler starts in Old Forge Pond and ends on Lake Flower in Saranac Lake Sunday ...

Well it's that time of year again. This weekend will be the fourth ...
By Remiman(Remiman)
This weekend will be the fourth time my friend Leigh and I will participate in the Adirondack Canoe Classic. Each fall for the past 26 years, on the weekend following Labor day "The 90-Miler" takes place. ...
under the microscope - http://pciyrtpy.blogspot.com/

2008 Adirondack Canoe Classic "The Ninety Miler"
By nobody@flickr.com (penn_kayaker)
Here is a photo of Susan and I in my Old Town Penobscot 16 as we paddled out of Browns Tract on the 2008 Adirondack Canoe Classic “The Ninety Miler”. It was hot, it rained, the wind blew, waves picked up and we scaled mountain trails, ...
Uploads from penn_kayaker - http://www.flickr.com/photos/pennkayaker/

Paddlers persevere through 90-mile Canoe Classic
SARANAC LAKE - Sixteen-year-old JD Marona stood in the crowd alongside Lake Flower Sunday, holding an award named after former paddler Richard "Dick" Reynolds. "Last year, my dad suggested doing the race, and I thought it would be a ...
Adirondack Daily Enterprise - http://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com

Manlius father/son team finish the 90-mile Adirondack Canoe ...
Sep 8, 2008 ... The father and son team of Matthew and Derek Napierala completed the three-day, 90-mile Adirondack Canoe Classic this past weekend. ..

Hamilton Teams Take Two Firsts at Adirondack Canoe Classic
Hamilton College News - Clinton,NY,USA
A group of Hamilton students and staff ventured north for the Adirondack Canoe Classic on Sept. 5-7, and came away with two firsts at the annual race, ...

Adirondack Canoe Classic 2008 The 90 Miler preformed by glh & rel ...
By Remiman(Remiman)
Adirondack Canoe Classic 2008 The 90 Miler preformed by glh & rel in Jensen canoe # 40 photos by DAL the KoffeeBean not in chronological order. Leaving home, headed for Old Forge and Clark's Beach Motel ...
under the microscope - http://pciyrtpy.blogspot.com/

2008 Adirondack Canoe Classic - a set on Flickr
Sep 5, 2008 ... Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos ...

Post 3 on the 90 - Day One Part 1: Start to Brown's Track

Getting Ready

Well the first day of the Adirondack Canoe Classic started well. I got up early and rode my bike to the start, which for the record was about a mile away and all down hill. I am sure I got some strange looks heading down the road with a kayak paddle held like a lance and a spray skirt around my waist.

After I unlocked the kayak, I carried it to the start dock to try it out for the first time. At this point - about 7 AM - the whole start area was covered in boats and paddlers waiting for the paddler's meeting to begin. I negotiated my way to the docks and dropped it in the water when I heard someone yell "Jake, I thought you we going to run with that!". I turned around to see Susan who had seen me carrying her purple kayak through the crowd. She had come over to introduce herself and ask if I had any questions. She recommended that I make all of my adjustments out of the water. After taking the boat out of the water she helped me adjust the rudder foot braces and explained the rudder system. Thank goodness she did because I had planned on making all of these major adjustments while on the water and that would have been a disaster. Once everything was adjusted I put the boat back in the water and climbed in. 20 min before the paddlers meeting and I was in the boat for the first time. I started out on the water to get a feel for how the boat tracked and to see how the rudder would help. Since the Solctice is a Sea Kayak it tracked very well in the open water and the water made turning easy. After paddling for 10 min or so I saw my dad and son standing on the shore of the Old Forge beach and paddled over to see them. My son wanted to climb in the boat and once he was on my lap we paddled onto the lake. After a few minutes I returned him to dock where my dad was. He was not happy to get out of the kayak but I had make a few more adjustments before starting and he couldn't stay with me all day. While I made final adjustments to the boat and my equipment, Brian McDonald from Mac's Canoe conducted the paddlers meeting and announced the start. I was in Wave 5 and it would be about 30 minutes before I started. The Adirondack Canoe Classic goes off in waves starting with the "Open" class in Wave 1 and finishing with the "Unlimited Kayak" class in Wave 10. This way the slower boats have extra time to finish the day and to make the time cut-offs.

The Start

At about 8:30 I was lined up with the other kayaks and C-1s and after Brian completed the start-line check to verify all of the paddlers were there he started us. Immediately a pack of 6 kayakers were out in front and quickly distancing themselves from the rest of the wave. At that point I knew I wasn't going to be in the top three but I had figured that would be the case before I even got in the water. I started the race with the rudder out of the water and after the first 5 min I reconsidered and dropped it in the water. It took me the first 30 mins of the race to feel comfortable in the boat as I made small adjustments to my seat, paddle, and rudder.

The Race

I was pleased to start catching boats from the first wave by Second Lake and I was able to hold off getting caught by other waves until the channel between Third and Fourth Lake. The first boat to catch me was a mother/son team in the C-2 Stock Mixed class, as they went through the channel she was saying 'Good Morning' to all of the spectators like she was out for fun day on the lake.

By the middle of Fourth Lake I was really looking forward to the first portage and the chance to stop paddling. I am glad Fifth lake is not much more than a pond since the first portage is at the end of Fifth Lake. The first portage went well, I carried the boat out to the road before putting on the wheels. I learned a lesson right way though - secure the rudder as soon as the portage starts! After getting the rudder secured and the wheels on I took off running, trying to make up time. I didn't realize that towing a 17+ foot boat behind you would make steering so hard. I had to learn to take corners really wide. My dad and son were waiting for me at the end of the portage and I got a fresh Camelback full of Gatorade and I was off on Sixth Lake. The break from paddling was good but not long enough. Portage #2 of the day was coming up between Seventh and Eighth Lakes and this would be my chance to make up a lot of time. This portage is long and flat through a campground so with the wheels and my ability to run I was able to make up a lot of time. In fact I passed two kayaks in my class shortly after the beginning of the portage. I ran the entire portage before putting in at Eighth Lake. This would be a short trip in the water before the Brown's Track carry.

I will post the rest of the day's race info in my next post

10 September 2008

Crossfit Misc

Front Squat 5x5 115/135/145/135/135
Push Press 5x5 115/100/100/100/100

Run 1 mile in 6:58

The limiting factor for the Front Squat was that I had to clean the weight from the floor and I wasn't able to go above 145. I did the reps slow and made sure I focused on my form. The other factor is that my hands are still torn up from the 90-miler. I think I will be able to go to 150 the next time I do this work out. I am hoping in a day or two my hands and forearm are healed enough to get back to the normal WOD.

Post 2 on the 90 - Thursday Semptember 4th

I quick couple of items leading up to the start of the Adirondack Canoe Classic. I have already written about how I ended up in a kayak instead of a canoe so I won't go into that again. Since I am doing the race solo my dad offered to come and be my pit crew for the race. Through a series of incidents we ended up leaving late on Thursday and when he came to pick me up, my 3 year-old son wanted to come. After briefly talking it over we decided to take him too. It would be added work for my dad but he would bring some fun as well. My older two kids would be jealous but they had school so it wasn't an option for them.

After checking in Thursday night and changing my race class to touring kayak, we unloaded the kayak. I practiced both carrying it overhead and running with it on wheels. At the time both seemed like an equal amount of effort but as I found out during the race I would need both options. We also put on my race number - 181 - and then locked the kayak by the starting docks. I wouldn't be able to test it out until the next morning.

We stayed at the Old Forge Campgrounds in my dad's pop-up camper. Since we were late getting in to camp we kept things simple and only set up what we needed to sleep. We did prep my supplies for the next day which included two Camelbacks of Gatorade and several granola bars. We also decided I would bike to the race in the morning (about a mile) so I could leave while by dad did breakfast and broke camp. It was early to bed for a long day on Friday.

09 September 2008

Crossfit 080831 - Recovery workout

I had planned on doing the "Linda" workout from 080906 but the my right fore-arm is still heavily strained from paddling this weekend. I was fine for the bench and dead-lift portions but the clean really strained my wrist. Given that I felt the healthy thing to do was the work out from 080831:

Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps (70/70/70/70/72.5/75(f)/70)

That might not make sense with a wrist injury but I think the clean was irritating my rest because of the sudden motion.

In between sets I did max bench - 1 rep sets until failure and misc ab work the 5 bench sets were: 180/185/190/195/205(f). I think 205 is within reach if I started at 195. We will see the next time I try.

Body Weight Bench Mark:
162.0 lbs, 7.4% body fat.

I think this is affected by the fact that I was fully hydrated on a light workout versus typically being slightly dehydrated on a typical workout. We will see out it compares in 2 weeks.

Post 1 on the 90 - How I ended up in a Kayak

Two months ago when I started paddling to get ready for the Adirondack Canoe Classic I was in a We-non-ah Jensen C-2. My dad and I have always done the race as partners and we were planning to do it again this year. After practicing for 6 weeks my dad pulled a muscle and/or ligaments in his back and try as he might, he wasn't healing fast enough for the race.

One week before the race we were planning on pulling out when during a conversation we considered what other options I had. I rejected completing the race with another partner. This is a race for my dad and I, and it will stay that way until one of my kids wants to try it with me. I was open to entering a different race class though. We had briefly discussed a C-1 but it requires a few more technical strokes and I didn't have time to learn them. That left the possibility of trying a touring kayak. I haven't kayaked since I was a teenager(a good 15+ years ago) but I felt that was the best option for me to try the race solo.

My dad then called Theresa, a paddler we both know from the Pennsylvania Association of Canoeing & Kayaking (PACK), looking for a kayak. She mentioned taking her place in a C-4 (Thanks for the offer Theresa) but that didn't pan out. Through a variety of connections we ended up borrowing a Current Designs Solstice from a local paddler my dad had met named Susan. Susan was very generous and loaned me not only her boat but a spray skirt, paddle, portage wheels, and pump. We had a boat but I wouldn't get the chance to try it out until the morning of September 5th, about an hour before race time.

08 September 2008


A lot has happened since my last post. Yes I completed the 90-miler but in a Touring Kayak instead of a C-2. I stopped the Burpee challenge at 50, to many days to make up with the 90-miler. I will post details on the race and the events leading up to it later. Till then you can find the results of the 90-miler here.