31 July 2008

Random Workout

Practice OHS 5X3 95/100/100/105/110

18 burpees for the Burpee Challenge

6.0 miles(18:30 min ) on the bike, 1.55 miles(10 min) run.

29 July 2008

On the water again

We were back on the water today for 90 minutes(not including our portage practice). I might try and map it out later to see how far we went. Given our typical pace of 6 miles/hour I would say about 9 miles. However there was a good current on the river today so it might have been less. It feels good to be on the water for long stretches versus last year when we were stuck doing 1 mile laps on the Brandywine River.

UPDATE:Turns out the course was only 7.9 miles on the water and about .4 miles running.

Here is the route:

Crossfit 080729


Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

9:02 Compare to 11:02 on 080327

I could have been below 9 but on my last round I messed up the treadmill settings and lost about 10-15 seconds. Oh well, it will make it a little easier to drop my PR next time.

16 burpees for the burpee challenge when I was done. Then 4.5 miles on the bike in 15:05. If I can maintain that pace I should be able to finish the 12 miles of the sprint triathlon in about 40 min. The pace was good but I felt I could have gone a lot longer.

28 July 2008

Crossfit 080728

Crossfit Total

Back Squat - On Smith Machine since that was the only rack I had available.
5x3x1x1x1 (165/215/265/285/295)

Shoulder Press - Weight was cleaned from floor.
5x3x1x1x1 (75/105/125/135(f)/135)

5x3x1x1x1 (185/225/275/295/305)

Crossfit Total: 295/135/305 = 735 Compare to: 080619 = 700

I feel good that my numbers went up in the squat and dead lift. The squat was definitely close to failing and so was the DL. I am disappointed in the shoulder press. Lately I have felt like my shoulder strength was improving but it doesn't show in these numbers. I also knocked out my 15 burpees due today for the burpee challenge, although I didn't log them here I am up to date from the weekend.

I finished the work out with 4 miles on the bike in 13:20 and 1.32 miles running on the treadmill in 8 min.

Weight Bench Mark:
158.5 lbs, 8.0% body fat.

27 July 2008

We are in!

Just checked Mac's Canoe website and we are in the race, now it is only a question of training.

24 July 2008

Crossfit 080724


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

5:59 - Compare to 7:41 on 080510

Followed by 11 burpees for the burpee challenge then
4 miles on the bike(16:32) and a 1 mile run(7:00)

23 July 2008

Finally on the water

Well, the application for the 90-miler is in and we got on the water for the first time today. My dad and I paddled for about 50 mins on the Christiana River in Wilmington, DE. We had hoped to be out on the water longer but were chased off by a Thunderstorm. If we practice like we plan to we should be able to put about 15 hours of practice in on the water plus a few miles of practice portages.

Considering this was the first time on the water this year we both felt good about the practice and optimistic about the future.

Crossfit 080722

Push Jerk 3x3x3x3x3

115/125/135/145/150(failed on third)

Practiced L-Sits using a Captains chair between sets. Maxed at 25 secs (getting close to the 30 sec benchmark).

Completed 10 Burpees for the Burpee challenge in 30 sec.

Did 2 miles on the bike followed by 1/2 mile run. For the run I ran at 10mph and increased the incline by .5% each .10 of a mile.

22 July 2008

Getting ready for a Tri

My family and I are heading to the Adirondacks in two weeks, specifically Lake Placid, and we found out that there is a Mini Triathlon Series. The series is run by High Peaks Cyclery and consists of a 400 yard swim in Lake Mirror, a twelve mile bike ride, and a three mile run. I figure, I am in good shape so I should give it a ago. Well today I did a training ride and short follow up run to see what the transition would be like. While I am still planning on completing the Triathlon on 8/3 I am less excited about it.

I did 13 miles of a hilly course on the bike followed immediately by a short half mile run. I did the first 12 miles on the bike in 45 min, which was slower than was hoping for. I think I can shave a minute or two off the time because of how often I had to stop for traffic and restart my momentum.

Going from the bike to the run was tough because my legs felt like cement. The good news was that at the end of the half mile run my legs started to feel better as the latic acid moved out of my quads. I was able to maintain a 7:00 pace which will probably drop to a 7:15 on a longer run.

I am very glad I did a test ride because it has been awhile since I have been on the bike and I needed the reminder of what it would feel like.

21 July 2008

Crossfit 080721

Row 2k

7:05.3 Damper@5.5

I am please with this, the last 2k I did 3-6 months ago was a 7:30 something. In college I was sub 6:50 while on the crew team and I hope to get there again. I was on pace for the first 1000 meters with about 24-25 strokes permin but couldn't hold for the last 1000 even with an increased to 27 strokes per min. Need to work on the latic acid threshold.

Did some ab work and 15 burpees for the burpees challenge(7 for yesterday and 8 for today)

19 July 2008

Attempting a Triathlon

Carrie and I are thinking of entering a mini triathlon while we are on vacation in Lake Placid in two weeks. 400 yard swim, 12 mile bike, and 3 mile run. It should be fun, I just need to get out on the bike next Saturday to stretch my legs and see what 12 miles feels like.

Crossfit 080719


Only did 5 sets of one. Did them with my daughter on my back ~55lbs. It felt m.ore difficult the the wight higher up than when I use a belt with the weight hanging below me. I also started the Burpee challenge on the Crossfit boards. Basically doing one more Burpee(squat thrust) each day for 100 days. It is easy now but should get interesting when it gets above 50. For more info see the link to the left

17 July 2008

Crossfit 080717

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 Push-ups
12 dips
95 pound Push-press, 9 reps

7 rounds plus 15 push-ups and 8 dips

Warmed up with 10 chin-ups and 20 back-extensions

Finished with 21 55lb Dumbbell swings, 50 crunches, 10 burpees

16 July 2008

Crossfit 080716

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps


I realized I could have started a lot higher, next time need to start at 245.

Ran 4 miles in 25:56 at .5% incline. I had hoped to make up the 10k that was on 080710 but I ran out of time and motivation today so 4 miles was all I got in.

I also tried to do a 30 sec L-sit at the end of my work out but could only hold it for 20 sec. I guess I need to keep working towards that benchmark.

15 July 2008

Crossfit 080713

For Time:
15 Handstand push-ups
1 L Pull-up
13 Handstand push-ups
3 L Pull-ups
11 Handstand push-ups
5 L Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups
7 L Pull-ups
7 Handstand push-ups
9 L Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups
11 L Pull-ups
3 Handstand push-ups
13 L Pull-ups
1 Handstand push-up
15 L Pull-ups

19:38 Lots of sets of 3 on the HSPU. I was please that on the first set I knocked off 7 in a row. After yesterday and today my shoulders are very tired, hopefully tomorrow will be a legs day or I may need to make up the 10k to give my arms a break.

Warmed up with Benchmark 500m row, damper @ 5.5 = 135.3(.3 better than last time) held just below 135 pace for most of the 500m but I couldn't hold pace over the last 20 sec or so. My goal for this benchmark is still 130.0

Cooled down with some ab work and bench press practice.

14 July 2008

Crossfit 080702 & 080714

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
135 pound Hang power clean, 12 reps
135 pound Front Squat, 9 reps
135 pound Push Jerk, 6 reps

Subbed 105 for the 135: 17:56(2:41/3:13/3:31/4:15/4:16)

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
50 Squats


I hated having to sub the weight but while warming up I tried 115 and I knew that 135 would be too much. The second WOD would be better if I just did that one but I am please with sub 12 min.

Weight Bench Mark:
158.5 lbs, 8.2% body fat.

13 July 2008

Crossfit 080708


For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

4 rounds of 25

Compare to 080424:
24:50 - (12:26/4:29/3:32/4:22) done in order


Compare to 071211:
19:22 4 rounds of 25

I need to pick either "4 rounds of 25" or "done in order" and just keep doing it that way. I feel that I could shave another minute off of today's time if I did it at the gym versus at home. My transitions at home are a lot slower.

10 July 2008

Ocean City Run III

Snuck out for a quick work-out this morning. Half mile run to the local track, followed by 10 pull-ups. Today's workout was 4X800 meters with about 2 min rest between runs.


Then 10 chin-ups and 10 pull-ups with a half mile run home.

09 July 2008

Ocean City Run II

My dad and sister came to visit us at the shore so Carrie and I got to run together today on the boards. Same 4.5 miles as Monday this time in 44:22.

07 July 2008

Ocean City Run I

I am on vacation in Ocean City, NJ so most of this week's workouts will be running. I am hoping to find a playground where I can do some pull-ups. Today I ran about 4.5 miles in 32:45, or about 7:15 pace. I did a quick set of 25 push-ups before starting, I also did A LOT of digging in the sand with my kids and road about 4 miles to and from the library I am posting this at.

04 July 2008

Run with Carrie

Another nice run with Carrie.

3.1 miles in 33:30

03 July 2008

Crossfit 080703

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

15 min plus 15. (Accidentally did 10 for the 9th minute)

Compare to 080113:

"14 min plus 11
1-8 un-broken, 9-14 broken in sets"

I hope to eventually break 20 min. I got a little kipping in, but couldn't maintain a rhythm. I know I have done this once or twice on since 080113 but can't find my scores. I know I have never broken 15 min though.

01 July 2008

Crossfit 080701

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

SP = 120/125/130/130(f -mental)/130 - will start at 130 next time
PP = 135/140/140/140/145 - will start at 140 next time
PJ = 135/140(4, f on 5)/135 (4, f on 5 - mental)/135 (3, f on 4)/125(dropped weight to work on form) - will start at 130 next time.

Compare to 080503:

Benchmark 500m row, damper @ 5.5 = 135.6 held just below 135 pace for most of the 500m but I couldn't hold pace over the last 20 sec or so. My goal for this benchmark is 130.0

Now that I have blogged all of the numbers for this workout I figured I would mention how it felt. I have been disappointed lately by my shoulder strength and I finally feel like it is improving. I realized after doing the push press that I wasn't positive on my form for the push jerk so I dropped the weight. Thank god I did because my shoulders where spent, even with 90-120 seconds rest between sets I struggled with the weight. I am getting closer to my goal of 160(BW) shoulder press. Maybe in 3-6 months I will be there. I did various ab work between sets.