29 July 2010

Bike Run 100729

Biked 12.4 miles in 43:04 (17.3 mph), then immediately ran 2.07 miles in 15:36(7:35 pace). Both times were a lot slower than I would have liked. The distances are very similar to the ones at the Marshman and need to come down in the next 6 weeks. My one saving grace is that it was miserably humid out this morning and I don't do well in those conditions. On the bike I struggled for the first mile or so as my body woke up. As much as I hate to admit it, I need to start waking up earlier and warming up first. On the run, my legs felt like cinder blocks. Last year I did more transition practice and I need to start that back up, even if it is just a .25 mile run after each bike ride.

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