04 June 2009

Crossfit 090528

Thruster 1x1x1x1x1x1x1


Compare to: 090128

Finished with 2k on the erg in 7:22 with damper@6. Followed by 10X135lb bench, then 5X160lb bench.

Started with 5x45, 3x115
160 was had to clean and hard to press through. Between thrusters I did:
Rest 1: 30 Side plank raises with 8lb med ball, 10 close grip chin-ups
Rest 2: 30 Side plan twists, 10 parallel grip pull-ups
Rest 3: 25 Twists with8lb med. ball, 6 wide grip pull-ups
Rest 4: 15 diamond push-ups, 60sec plank on swiss ball
Rest 5: 15 diamond push-ups, 15sec L-Sit
Rest 6: 15 diamond push-ups, 15sec L-Sit

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