04 August 2010

Swim 100804

Swam 1750 yards
Warm-up 50 free, 50 breast
1000 yards...rest for 8 breaths (19:20)
4 x 100 yards...rest for 6 breaths between 100s (~1:56)
5 x 50 yards...rest for 4 breaths between 50s (~0:57)
Cool down 25 free, 25 breast

Felt very tired. I tried a longer warm-up to see if that would help and at least for today it didn't help. I had a hard time waking up and I felt fatigued from the very beginning. The first 450 of the 1000 was done in 8:30, which was faster than last time. The rest of the 1000 was slower though. Up to 1200 on Friday morning.

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